Thursday, January 20, 2022

Coming Soon- "The Success Of Wrestling Past And Present"

 Coming before the end of the week will be a collaborated article "The Success of WP&P",  done by the three staff members here at Wrestling Past And Present, Bill Walkowitz, Gino Bradley and Donnie Henderson.

The article will entail how and why this site was created, the steps we take to ensure that we cover the widest variety of wrestling that NO OTHER wrestling site covers. Why we decided to do this way, the 'heat' that this site has with the 'major' wrestling news sites, and the success that has come from truly doing it our way and truly BEING, an alternative to the other sites like PWInsider, WrestlingInc, Observer, Sportskeeda, etc. 

It will be an in depth look into how this site is and why it's become a 'go to' site for many people now.

Something for all of you to look forward to.

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