Tuesday, January 4, 2022

ANOTHER EXAMPLE Of How Someone Needs Lessons On How To Upload Things Properly (Unless You Like Watching Silent Movies)


Whoever the uploading "genius' is over at Championship Wrestling must've fell asleep when he was uploading this, because... THERE'S NO FUCKING SOUND!

No intro music, no sound of the fans, no commentary, NOTHING but total silence on this.

How fucking stupid can one person be? 

Obviously another example of someone being such a dumb ass, that he didn't even NOTICE there was no sound as it was uploading.

Did the 'brainchild' who did this even bother to CHECK and see if there was any sound before starting the uploading process?

Obviously since there is no sound, we all know the answer to that question.

The answer is, no.. he wasn't smart enough to even see uif it was uploading correctly.

Guess they let 'just any jack ass' upload stuff these days.

Just TWO DAYS AGO we had this 'fine example' of five star uploading. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/01/somebody-sure-needs-lesson-when-it.html And now we have this story tonight.

You can't make this kind of shit up, you just can't because people really ARE, this fucking stupid.

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