Monday, December 13, 2021

Hannibal (Blood Hunter/ Devon Nicholson) Story On How He Went too far (Again) In his "Work/Shoot" Angles

 At Last Night Indy Show, Wrestler Hannibal went into business for himself & almost murdered a referee with a spike in front of a live crowd that included children

During a match against Carly Colon (formerly known as Carlito), independent wrestler Hannibal “the Bloodhunter,” whose real name is Devon Nicholson, took liberties on an official with a spike.

Going off script, Hannibal proceeded to stab referee Lando Deltoro with a spike, causing Deltoro to suffer a torn artery in his head. Lando is said to be stabilized in the hospital, but had been bleeding out inside of the ring. Deltoro was choking in a pool of his own blood before EMT’s could get to him.

The referee in the match, who isn’t Deltoro, commented on a Reddit post with more details. The cops were called and the referee gave a statement that he believed this was assault. 

According to the referee, wrestling legend Kevin Sullivan told him to “kayfabe the cops.” Of course, “kayfabe” being the term to “protect the business” and that “everything that happens is a work.” He also noted that Hannibal was visibly unwell prior to the match-up.

“As a ref, the most critical thing I can offer the people I work with is that I will make sure they are safe, and I feel like I completely failed at that,” noted the referee in an update, “I should have stopped the match immediately when I noticed something was off. I apologize for that.”

A GoFund Me has been set up for The Ref

Lando Deltoro that was assaulted by Hannibal, below is the Link

 Here is the reddit post by the other ref in the ring.

Some have argued that Hannibal's attack on Deltoro was a work, evidenced in the video Hannibal released himself on his Youtube page, in which in one angle Deltoro was seen tucking his shirt during the attack, which may suggest the ref was hiding an object used for blading. 

If true, the narrative would be Hannibal attacking Deltoro was part of the angle, but Hannibal's method of striking Deltoro's head several times with a spike to the point of Deltoro having a near-fatal injury was definitely off script.

This is the ONLY WAY he thinks he can keep himself 'relevant', by doing garbage stuff like this, but it's no wonder why not many promotions will book his useless ass. 

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