Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Doug Gilbert Promoting A Show Where The Late Bert Prentice Used To Run

 Doug Gilbert will be promoting a Tennessee Championship Wrestling event in Jackson, TN at the Oman Arena on 2/5/22 with Gilbert, Jerry Lawler, Wolfie D, QT Marshall and more appearing.  The late Bert Prentice used to promote the same venue on a regular basis with his USA Championship Wrestling show. 

Here's a couple examples of Gilbert on Prentice's show.

From 4/6/19 when Matt Riviera jumped Gilbert

From September 2020

“Dangerous” Doug Gilbert & “The LVR Boy” Matt Riviera confront WWE Hall of Fame member Jerry “The King” Lawler about facing “The King” in the main event of his 50th Anniversary Celebration at The Ballpark in Jackson on Saturday, 26th in Jackson, TN. This then leads to a vicious assault on Lawler by Gilbert & Riviera, resulting in pandemonium in Studio 45!!

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