Saturday, December 4, 2021

Championship Wrestling from Memphis - Episode #41


DECEMBER 4, 2021: Last week, GunShow Brett Michaels & Mike Anthony fought all over the WrestleCenter - nothing could stop them! One can only wonder what's in store this week. All we know is Mike Anthony IS HERE. Get ready for another explosive edition of the fastest hour in pro wrestling!

Here's the card for today's program... TAG TEAM MATCH | ELEMENTS OF WRESTLING vs THE SKIMAHORNS With Uncle Mikey's recent distraction with Peter Avalon, The Skimahorns will certainly need to be focused against Colton Cage & Van Viciouss. WOMEN'S DIVISION MATCH | DIANA TAYLOR vs AMBER RODRIGUEZ There is no love loss between these 2. And a great deal of history. They do not like each other, so this should be a good 1 on 1 match. Also, Diana shouldn't have to worry about Skyler, who's recently on the outs with Amber. TAG TEAM MATCH | THE POSSE vs MARTIN & JAY SMOOTH with KROSS The Posse look to get back to doing what they do best - NO not pranks, but winning Championships! This is step one - they need a win! K TOOMER'S BEST OF THE BEST CHALLENGE This week, T Toomer is issuing his own Best of the Best Challenge. Who will answer the call? Or better yet... is anyone brave enough? MAIN EVENT | THE REVENANT OF WALKER HAYES vs BIG SWOLE JUSTIN COLE Jimmy Blaylock has his monsters back under control after a little "discipline". Big Swole better have his head on a swivel! PLUS | We will hear from the Memphis Wrestling Women's Champion "Killer Bae" Heather Monroe! AND | | AEW star "Pretty" Peter Avalon is back this week. And one can only assume he's going to cause trouble.

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