Thursday, November 18, 2021

Taya Valkyrie Tells Fans To Stop Supporting WWE As Eight Main Roster Wrestlers Have Now, Been "Future Endeavored".


Taya Valkyrie aka the former Franky Monet in WWE NXT, who was released on 11/4, took to Twitter tonight to address WWE after they also cut her husband, John Morrison this evening:

Money wrote, "Stop supporting a company that has ZERO respect for their talent. You love pro wrestling, spend your money on the hundreds of other alternatives. This is wrong. Ethically, as employers they don’t care about us. Talent or fans."

And it looks like she was spit on since eight more taklents from the main roster are now out of job, with WWE hiding behind the bullshit excuse of "Budget Cuts".

Budget cuts my ass, all those profits they recently reported and of all the bullshit lies to hide behind, "Budget Cuts" is the best they can scrape up?

Just admit your "Creatively Challenged" Creative Department "has nothing forn them" because they're challenged to actually 'create' something that would get the talents over.

OOOHH, God forbid we have that, eh? "OOHH We can't have TTHHAATT come out", LOL.

Here's the list of Talents now having to look for a new job.

All three members of Hit Row- have been told to "hit the road", LOL.

Joining them on that road are,

*Tegan Knox.

*Drake Maverick.

*John Morrison.

*Jaxson Ryker.

*Shane Thorne aka Slapjack.

Guess Taya was right, then again WWE has proven people like her right all along. This is just the latest example. 

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