Monday, November 22, 2021

Fan Attacks Seth Rollins At RAW, And The fan Got "Checked", LMAO!

 A fan attacked Seth Rollins during tonight’s WWE RAW.

The incident happened after a segment where Rollins ambushed Finn Balor before their planned match. Rollins beat Balor in and out of the ring, and then made his exit as trainers checked on Balor in the ring. Rollins and a referee were walking up the ramp to the back as a fan ran down from the mid-level seating, and tackled Rollins. Rollins and the referee both went down with the man as security rushed over, as did WWE Producer & Hall of Famer Michael “PS” Hayes.

The camera quickly cut away from the fan attack as RAW went to replays of the Rollins – Balor segment. Rollins then laughed at Balor in the ring and talked some trash to the crowd before heading to the back, ending the segment.

Fans in attendance noted that security quickly dragged the man away.

This is what happens when dumb ass "marks' think, they're gonna "get themselves over:" by attacking a wrestler during a show. 99 % of the time the "Mark" always gets' checked. (Except in Charlie Haas's case where HE, got 'checked' by a fan. That story I covered here and here )

So another dipshit "mark" got his ass handed to him, Yes I do find it amusing just how dumb and stupid "marks" indeed are these days. 

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