Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Coastal Championship Wrestling - CCW Alive Wrestling: Episode 1.61 "Brickhouse" feat. Kamille, Anna Diaz, Pedro Pablo, and Ariel Levy


WHY, 'read' a report of the show (as seen in this, that was taken from PWInsider) when you can actually WATCH the show?

If one has a choice between 'reading a report' of the show and watching? Guess what dumb asses at PWInsider, they're gonna want to watch it, DUH!

So here you go, no 'player' needed (like on PWInsider) to watch, it's right here for you, simply and easily..

You can thank me now, you're welcome. (Smiles)

Alive Wrestling is CCW's weekly flagship show!

Tonight! Anna Diaz challenges for the NWA Women's Championship as she takes on one of the most dominant wrestlers on the planet Kamille. Can the Choke Out Artist shock the world? Plus, The International Chilean superstar Ariel Levy faces his nemesis, Pedro Pablo. Pablo has followed Levy into the United States, some have said to attempt to de-rail the success of the International Superstar, they clash tonight.


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