Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Booker T Buries Tony Khan


Tony Khan, got 'owned' here. :)

On his The Hall of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore podcast, Booker T was critical of Tony Khan taking shots at WWE. “I’m of the sentiment that Tony Khan is doing a lot of talking about nothing,” he said “Go out and produce a good show. At the end of the day, we’ll know who won if that’s what we’re looking for, if that’s your goal post, if that’s where you’re trying to score in. But all of this talk about what you’re doing, this and that, back and forth, I swear man, it sounds like a little school girl saying how pretty she is over the other girls on the schoolyard. I could be wrong, but to me, that’s what it sounds like. It doesn’t sound like a boss. It doesn’t sound like a real boss move to be talking about something as small as that. I remember back in the day when WCW and WWE, it was head to head going down, that right there was a real war fighting for numbers. At one point, WCW took that rating war and ran with it for 83 weeks. That’s a long, damn time to say, ‘We’re winning.’ But what happened after 83 weeks? The ball shifted and we never got the momentum back. You know why? Because there was a lot of talking going on, and a lot of guys not working keeping their eyes on the prize. My thing is, if Tony Khan is smart, and I really think the guy really is smart, he would definitely stop thinking about the fans on social media as opposed to how long can we run this thing? How big can we make this?”

See the video below. 


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