Monday, October 4, 2021

Bobby Fish Talks Feels “A Little Out Of Touch” With Indie Wrestling Scene


In an appearance on Busted Open Radio, former WWE NXT star Bobby Fish talked about participating in MLW’s Opera Cup. Fish defeated Lee Moriarty in the first round, and he’s thrilled to be part of the tournament.

“It’s friggin awesome,” Fish said. “I specifically wanted to do the Opera Cup. The level of talent in it is amazing, and it caters very much to a style that I’m very familiar with. I’m just looking forward to mixing it up with everybody in MLW and in the Opera Cup. I’m not looking past anything but Saturday at this point.”

While Fish didn’t directly comment on his August release from WWE, he did admit that he was in need of a change of scenery following his four years on the NXT brand. He believes he’s already gotten his next run kickstarted, and his appearance in the Opera Cup will help to build off that momentum.

“I feel like I was ready in my career for a fresh coat of paint, so to speak,” Fish said. “And here we are. It wasn’t orchestrated and I didn’t seek it out. Some things fell into place and it just happened, and I have this kind of new lease on my wrestling life. And I can’t wait to go at this thing guns blazing, and Saturday [was] the start of that. I feel I’ve kind of already got that ball rolling, but we’re ready to keep it rolling and kind of accelerate everything.”

Fish is going to be busy separate from the Opera Cup, as he’ll battle Sammy Guevara next Wednesday on AEW Dynamite for Guevara’s newly won TNT Championship. Between that and his MLW appearances, Fish agreed with host Dave LaGreca that it was the perfect time to hit the open market.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Fish said. “I was a little out of touch with what was this atmosphere, because I’ve been where I was for about four years and you kind of lose touch with some of this. So to get reacquainted with this and to realize the amount of opportunity. Man, it is as exciting as all hell.”

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