Tuesday, September 21, 2021

WWE'S Micromanaging Stupidity Continues With? BRYAN DANIELSON ASKED BY WWE NOT TO USE 'YES' CHANTS

 Bryan Danielson isn’t using the ‘yes’ chant in AEW, saying that he is respecting WWE’s intellectual property.

In an interview on Rasslin with Brandon Walker, Danielson said that while he will lead others in doing the chant, he won’t do it himself. He said that this is due to a conversation with Kevin Dunn prior to his debut with AEW.

“I'm not doing it myself because I respect WWE's intellectual property,” Danielson said. “I don't think anything legally, they haven't threatened anything legally. So I had a great conversation with Kevin Dunn with WWE before I debuted with AEW. I was very upfront with WWE about, 'Okay, I want to let you guys know I'm leaving. This is my debut date’ and all that kind of stuff. They asked me, politely, to respect their intellectual property, even some of the things that couldn't be legally enforced. I'm trying my best to do that.”

Danielson made his debut for AEW at All Out back on September 5, choosing AEW over WWE after his contract with WWE expired earlier this year. In his final match for WWE, he lost to Roman Reigns in a WWE Universal title match where his career was on the line.

Prior to his in-ring AEW debut tomorrow at Dynamite: Grand Slam, Danielson wrote an article that was posted on Player’s Tribune thanking WWE.

So, WWE sent Kevin Dunn to ask Bryan not to do something they can't make him NOT do, AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If that isn't one of the DUMBEST things I've ever seen WWE do.

What if Bryan would've said "no", then what? What can WWE do? Nothing but sit there and take it.

And if the fans do it the WWE can't do shit about that either.

They really do have a real 'interesting' mentality over at WWE, don't they. 

Instead of trying to improve their product, trying to get their creatively challenged creative department to actually 'create;' something that's 'creative' enough to keep fans interested. They instead do this dumb shit.

Yep, nice to see that the WWE has their 'priorities' in order (shakes head).

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