Sunday, September 12, 2021

WWE's Micromanaging Machine Has Churned Out An Updated List Of "Banned" Words (Like That's Gonna Really Help Improve Their product, LOL)


The WWE in their 'genius logic' has come out with an updated list of 'banned' words that talents can't say.

The talents were handed the following list who were promoting WrestleMania in Tampa, Florida, get a load of this dumb shit.

Instead of trying to improve a shitty product, instead of listening to the fans who soundly and very loudly booed a video of a preview of the new NXT at their show in Madison Square Garden, they're gonna just churn out this list of the following words that all WWE talents are banned from saying.

Here's the list. 

"Blood, choke, belt, strap, diva, head shot, trauma, kayfabe, Mofos, house show, DQ, The Anti-Diva, spinal injuries, victim, violence, violent, wrestling, wrestlers, WWF, wifebeater, curb stomp, phrases including the word “push” and "being over,” babyface, heel, job, jobber, card, strangle, kill and murder".

So the talent can't even say "WWF' now? The very name of what the company they work for was formerly named? AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They can't even say 'wrestling'?

UUMM, yoo hoo, ppsssstt, pppssst, ppsst ppssst ppsstt. The second word of the name of the company is WRESTLING, you dumb fucks. So they can't say "World WRESTLING Entertainment" anymore? AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

If this isn't, the DUMBEST shit I've ever heard. 

Yeah, banning words 'sure is' gonna help make the product better (rolls eyes).

All this micromanaging they do but they can't micromanage improving a shitty product.

Makes you go, HHHHHHMMM.

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