Sunday, September 26, 2021

WWA (Kentucky)- Hysteria 116 - Do Or Die


-CCW's in-ring career is on the line. First, CCW must defeat 747. If he can do that, then the Vanderpool vs Dakota France main event will be for CCW's reinstatement. -Pretty Powerful give the 3 Count Boyz one more WWA Tag Team Championship shot. If 3CB loses, they can't challenge Pretty Powerful again. If Pretty Powerful lose, they cannot challenge 3CB for the tag titles again as long as they are champions. -After months of stalking, Jones challenges Logan Legit for the WWA National Championship. All of this plus the WWA Champion Josiah, Alexander Knight, Ray Waddell, Nick Depp, the Trendkillers, Mickey Midas, Nick Willis, Lizzy Sixx, the People's Temple, Mikey, Jordan Whittaker, Brett Taylor, the WWA return of Tony Evans, and more!

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