Wednesday, September 8, 2021

WrestlingInc Writer Posts A Link That Leads You To "Pay" To See The Story They Wrote About (How Dumb Is That?)


As Kurt Angle used to say, "It's true, it's DAMN true" A writer over at WrestlingInc when writing a story On the WWE referenced "Fightful Select" as his source of the story. I did the same thing when I posted it but what I DIDN'T DO? Was what this dumb ass did. 

HE (Marc Middleton as you see in the shot above) Put a link to the Fightful Select page, and guess what you get when you go and click that link he posted?

THIS.. Is what you get.. If you want to see Fightful's own version of the story, THEY want YYOOUU to "pay" to see it. 

Only a complete and total moron would go and 'pay' to see a story they just seen somewhere for free.

And WHY, would a writer post a link that goes to a 'pay site'? Especially when people just read the story you just covered, for free?

What kind of idiot does that?

WEELL.. Middleton isn't alone in the idiot department because THIS ASS CLOWN over at the Wrestling Observer, did the very same thing a week ago.

I covered that fuck up here.

At least here at Wrestling Past And Present if we post a link to something, we don't and won't post a link that goes to a 'pay site'. 

We're better than that, and obviously 'a little smarter' than some of those 'other writers' at those so called "major wrestling news sites". 

You can thank us for that, and thank THEM for showing what morons they are. 

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