Sunday, September 19, 2021



Tommy Dreamer issued the following statement to this afternoon:

"Regarding my comments made on Dark Side of the Ring

It was never my intention to offend, hurt or victim shame anyone

I understand my comments were insensitive and could trigger emotions in someone's own personal past.

I do not condone sexual misconduct of any kind.

I apologize to anyone I offended.

From the bottom of my heart

I am so sorry."

During the Dark Side of the Ring episode, Dreamer defended Ric Flair, who was accused by flight attendant Heidi Doyle of exposing himself and forcing her to touch his genitals. Flair has denied these claims.

Dreamer said that Flair is "not going to impose, by force, any sexual stuff onto anybody. He's just flaunting...stylin' and profilin' the Ric Flair stuff where everybody's going to laugh about it. Obviously, somebody took offense to it."

“It's a joke,” he later added. “It's a gag. Today? 1000% inappropriate. I have hung out with Ric Flair and have never seen him force his will against anybody.”

Regarding the WWE settlement with Doyle following the incident, Dreamer said "If that’s how she felt, maybe she should have not taken a payout and went to the fullest extent of the law to put this heinous person in jail. My opinion."

Impact Wrestling suspended Dreamer on Friday, saying “We are aware of Mr. Laughlin’s (Tommy Dreamer) comments on “Dark Side of the Ring”. The views expressed by him in the interview are completely unacceptable. We can confirm Mr. Laughlin was suspended this morning with immediate effect, pending further action.”

And now the fans of ECW who used to chant "you fucked up, you fucked up, you fucked up" should now chant that at Dreamer wherever he appears next.

But you know, they won't have the balls, to do that. 

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