Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Ruination, Er, I Mean "Changes" At NXT Have Started (This is How it Starts, Bet You It Gets Worse From Here)


Kevin Dunn is at tonight's WWE NXT TV taping to personally oversee the USA Network broadcast. Yeah like that's going over well. 

Going forward, everything will be described as "NXT 2.0" on camera (rolls eyes).  They intend to emphasize that this is a newer NXT hard. Kind of hard not to see that it is, dumb asses. 

Paul Levesque is understandably not at today's taping.

As of an hour ago, Samoa Joe is not there.

The show script has changed a "ton" of times over the course of the day. Gee, how "Vince McMahon" is that? That right there tells you, being in NXT going forward is NOT, gonna be a fun place to be. They can't or WON'T stick to the script so let's change it many times on  whoever in power has a 'whim', instead of playing whatever angles have been planned out? Franky Monet vs. NXT Women’s Champion Raquel Gonzalez was pulled from the show for unknown reason is an example.

The fact that wrestlers making a name for themselves DREAM of being in this kind of bullshit chaotic mess really still astounds me. 

The CWC name will not be used in reference to the WWE Performance Center on NXT programming moving forward with tonight’s NXT 2.0 reset episode. The current plan is to refer to the venue as just the home of NXT. (AAYY YYAAYY).

Regarding tonight’s NXT 2.0 taping, there is said to be a lot of trepidation among the wrestlers, There had already been a lot of stress & concern among the wrestlers after the last round of NXT releases due to the feeling that wrestlers who “did everything they were supposed to” and/or were “great talents” were released, leaving some of the remaining wrestlers feeling as if everyone was now on thin ice, and that even if they did the right thing, it didn’t matter and that their runs could be over at any point, with no notice. While that has always been true, there was previously a feeling that talents were in somewhat of a “protective cocoon” thanks to Triple H 

But that feeling is no more now that Vince McMahon and Bruce Prichard have decided to get their grubby hands on this brand. 

The call-time for tonight’s NXT TV taping was moved up earlier than usual because it’s the first live broadcast in several weeks, and with everything planned, including pre-tapes, they needed everyone there and ready to go. There’s a concern among some talents over the fact that Triple H will not work the taping as he’s recovering from his recent heart surgery. There was a feeling among some wrestlers that they didn’t know if it was going to be Triple H’s regular crew running the show, or other higher-ups. 

Obviously with Kevin Dunn there, that question has been answered. The higher ups who have no experience writing or booking NXT are doing the show.

There is a great sense of unease among the wrestlers as they wait, like everyone else, to find out exactly what the brand is supposed to be moving forward with this revamp. We noted before how officials were being very tight-lipped with wrestlers who had asked about what is planned. 

And since the script has been changed so many times, even the officials seem to have no ideas what's being planned.

Aren't you "NXT Marks" real 'excited about these new 'changes'? LOL. 

The atmosphere has been described as "weird" by talents who've been asked about it.

YYYEEAAH I bet it is, I just BET, it is.

Welcome to the NNEEW NXT, LMAO!

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