Saturday, September 4, 2021

Since PWInsider Can't Give A Better Answer To A Question, I Guess I'll Have To Do It For Them


Mike Johnson of PWInsider in his Q&A today had a simple question that had he taken maybe sixty seconds? He could've had a better answer than the one he gave to the person who sent in the question.

But I guess taking that much time to find a better answer is too much time for him. SSOO, after leave it to me, who obviously has more knowledge than Mike does to furnish a better answer. 

Here's the question, circled in red.

Now all one has to do, is do a simple search over at YouTube, and LOOK at what you see there.

Would you LOOK AT THAT, a listing of the shows, HHHMMMMM. How difficult was that to do?

I guess for Mike Johnson, it's pretty difficult.

And before some dumb ass messages me and says "UUHH that's not streaming", it's a whole lot better answer than the one Mike gave.

Better to give SOMETHING, than the pretty much, nothing answer Mike gave.

I wish I knew who it was that sent in that question because I would've sent them a link for that listing. But because Mr. Johnson was too lazy to do a simple search, I'll leave the link to that search, right here. 

You can go ahead tell Mike he can thank me, for doing what he for some reason was incapable of doing. You'd be pretty surprised what you can find on YouTube, if someone were to take a little time and effort to actually LOOK for it.

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