Sunday, September 19, 2021

PWInsider "Alleges" Tommy Dreamer 'Issued' A Statement To THEM Exclusively- But YET There's THIS..


As you can see in the above screen shot, Mike Johnson of PWInsider tried to make it 'appear', that Tommy Dreamer's statement was just issued to "PWInsider". 

WELL if that's the case "Mikeypoo" then how do you explain, THIS?

The EXACT same statement you 'allege' was 'issued' to you, is ALL OVER social media thanks to Dreamer putting that same statement on Twitter.

BOOM, looks like 'someone' just got busted for lying.

Nice try Mike Johnson, you should've known better nthan to try and make something like that 'exclusive' when it really isn't.

So you can thank the people here at WP&P. for telling the truth, sin ce it's obvious Mike Johnson apparently want to.

By all means, please show Mikey how he just got 'checked'. And how easy it was for that to happen.

NOW let's see if he'll go retract it, or if he'll be like Meltzer and his staff who think correcting themselves when they get busted is something that's "beneath them".

Again, nice try Mikey, nice try, LOL. But BOY is this an epic fail on your part, dumb ass.

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