Saturday, September 11, 2021

NXT Changes Rejected By Fans (Imagine That, Too Bad Vince McMahon Won't Listen To Those Fans)


WWE may have set a record last night with an announced  sold out crowd of 14,425 fans in attendance for last night’s MSG return. (Even though it was noted by WrestleTix that the attendance was likely closer to 13,000, and definitely not the announced number), but they probably set a record for how many fans at once boed when the WWE showed a video of the changes coming to NXT.

During last night's WWE Smackdown taping in New York City, WWE ran a video for the forthcoming shifting of the WWE NXT brand, which will begin to unveil itself this Tuesday 9/14.The fans in Madison Square Garden soundly booed the video, which shouldn't come as any surprise as fans all over social media have voiced their displeasure at the upcoming changes. 

You know Bruce Prichard heard those boos, and you KNOW Vince McMahon heard them too. The sad part is? Both of them won't listen or take heed to those boos and will just routinely ignore em because THEY THINK, they know better of what the fans want over the fans themselves.

A logic and mentality that proven to be wrong every time they've tried to stick to that logic.

But remember, it WAS Vince McMahon who once said that HE, knew what the fans wanted more than the fans do. It's that kind of mentality that has fucked em, time and time again, and last night those loud boos showed without a doubt.. That that mentality is fucking em one more time.

But you can bet McMahon and Prichard won't heed those boos, they'll just force feed down the throats of fans with the "We're gonna SHOW YOU that this is a good idea".

No you're not.

Or, they'll go with the logic they had when they force fed John Cena and Roman Reigns down fans' throats.. "We're gonna MAKE YOU like this".

I highly doubt that. Those boos you heard last night again prove me right.

You can see where the fans at Madison Square Garden booed the fuck out of the video, here.

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