Thursday, September 16, 2021

My Story On Mr. Hannibal/Bloodhunter Apparently 'Struck A Nerve' And This Is Hannibal's Reaction To The Truth Hurting (Updated 9-16-21 @ 10:00pm)


Well it looks like the story on Hannibal getting 'checked' and put in his place by the powers that be at SWE Fury struck a nerve. In the story I did yesterday which you can see here... I  pretty much called out Hannibal/Bloodhunter/ Devon Nicholson out for nothing but a whiney baby who was bitching on YouTube because he got 'future endeavored' by SWE. 

And wouldn't you know who was right on that fact? Thanks to ol Hannibal's himself, his actions have proven me to be correct. 

The story I did yesterday featured not only SWE's official statement which put all of 'Hannibal's' bitching to shame but also featured these videos.

Earlier today Hannibal/Bloodhunter/Devon went into panic mode when he found this story was written. because if you click to the links to those videos?

THIS is what happens.

Devon? Devon buddy what happened? What's the matter? Why'd you quickly and suddenly make those video "private" for? 

If you were so sure you were telling the truth and had nothing to hide? YYOOUU wouldn't have suddenly made them videos 'private', LMAO!

I also know for a fact that Herb Simmons, owner of SICW and the owner of World Class pro Wrestling (two companies you claim to be 'sponsoring' in some form or fashion) contacted you about the story I did yesterday. You can't say bullshit cause I HAVE the correspondence from Herb Simmons to prove you wrong, so don't even try it unless you want to humiliated even further. 

I'm sure them contacting you had ALOT to do with you changing the status of those videos. You were acting like a guy who's jealous because SWE found a better partner to work with in Booker T and the fact they kicked you to the curb can't be argued by you. No matter how many videos you make whining and bitching about it. In the end SWE showed they can and will be doing better, WITHOUT YOU. And I'm sure Mr. Bostic and Mr. Simmons got quite concerned when they read my story and saw how much of jack ass you were acting like.

Seriously, who'd want to business with you when you couldn't present real facts other than you complaining on YouTube? 

So not only did SWE put Hannibal/Devon in his place? I.. Also 'checked' him as well with the story I wrote yesterday.

Again, if he thought he wasn't 'checked'? He never would've made them videos 'private'. So he knows he got put in his place.

Devon, how's it feel to know got 'checked' TWICE in twenty four hours by two different people?

The truth 'Hannibal/Bloodhunter' will always outshine you whining on YouTube, that's just the way? The world is.

Update 10:00 PM

If you really wanna see how Hannibal/Devon has turned real chickenshit on this deal since I showed how SWE "Checked' him? Check out this video he did three hours ago.

At the end of it when THIS statement comes up, you can hear Devon?Hannibal/Bloodhunter QUICKLY go and side step, or back step from talking about it now LMAO!

His quick backing off of it is a very typical yet predictable cop out when one knows, he got 'checked'. 

So he indeed now knows, he WAS, 'checked'. and I'm one of the people you can thank for doing that.

You're welcome. :) 

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