Thursday, September 16, 2021

More WWE Stupidity As Announcers Reportedly Not Allowed To Acknowledge Bron Breakker As Rick Steiner’s Son

Just like they've done with other second generation wrestlers the WWE stupidity has struck again in the name of dumb asses with this.

Breakker is the son of Rick Steiner and nephew of Scott Steiner. However, he was not acknowledged as a second-generation superstar nor were Rick and Scott ever named.

It's been reported and noted that the announcers were not allowed to say Rick Steiner’s name. Vic Joseph, however, did get in the line “Dog Faced Gremlin” as a reference to Rick Steiner.

If that isn't one of the DUMBEST things ever, seriously.

Instead of improving their shows or having their creatively challenged creative department actually 'create' something fans wanna actually watch, they do this kind of dumb shit instead.

It was noticeable that Brooks Jensen, the song of Bull Buchanan, was refereed to a second-generation star, though Bull Buchanan was also not referred to by name. Jensen made his debut tagging with Josh Briggs.

Gotta love the WWE and the dumb shit they keep on doing.

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