Saturday, September 4, 2021

Matt Cardona Is No Longer A Garbage Wrestling World Champion- A Garbage Wrestler Is

Jon Moxley appeared as a surprise on the Game Changer Wrestling event tonight in Chicago, IL and defeated Matt Cardona for the Game Changer Wrestling World title. It had been hyped going into the show that Cardona would be issuing an open challenge for the championship.

Cardona initially introduced Frank The Clown as his opponent. After hitting a belt shot, Cardona quickly defeated Frank The Clown to retain the title.

Gage's Team MDK defeated Rickey Shane Page's 44OH! in the War Games match at tonight's GCW show. The War Games cage was then left up for Cardona's open challenge.

G-Raver then came out to the ring with a group of druids. After entering the ring, they left until there was only Cardona and one druid left. The druid hit a Paradigm Shift DDT and then revealed himself to be Moxley. Moxley gave Cardona a Paradigm Shift onto light tubes and pinned him to win the GCW World Championship.

Above you see Moxley pinning Cardona.

After his title win, Moxley was confronted by former GCW World Champion Nick Gage. Moxley told Gage that he knows where to find him if he wants a title shot. Gage cut a promo saying that -- since Moxley is GCW World Champion -- their match will be happening in GCW. Gage announced that he'll be facing Moxley in a death match for the title at GCW's show in Atlantic City, New Jersey on Saturday, October 9.

Cardona defeated Gage to win the GCW World Championship this July. At tonight's show, Cardona came out wearing "Death Match King" gear and with a spinner title belt. Cardona called himself the GCW Universal Champion.

This should set up a title match with Nick Gage, which the promotion has been building to slowly, for later this year.

The Art of War Games took place at the Grand Sports Arena in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Moxley is facing Satoshi Kojima as All Out takes place at AEW All Out in Hoffman Estates this Sunday night.

You can see a very short clip of this, here.

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