Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Look At How Dave Scherer At PWInsider Makes Himself Look Like A Complete Idiot (Again)

Yesterday I posted a story featuring this pic right below, the story is at

Now I know every time i post like that, or one where Dave Meltzer fucks up when it comes tpo posting links on his Wrestling Observer web page, someone is always going to send a link to the story to whomever i wrote about.

Which is fine because if I'm not already doing it, having someone else do it works just as well.

So what happens when the link is sent to PWInsider, citing their mistake? First Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer try to be snarly about it to the Adam, who sent them the link. (I wonder if they were just as snarly to the three other people I know sent them that same link, I'd love to see those email or Twitter convos as well). Dave Scherer, who always claims on his Question and answer sections when someone writes him about someone like slamming him, claims he "doesn't care' what people say about him.

WELL.. That's truly bullshit as you're about to see, because if he really 'didn't care'? He wouldn't have wasted so much time and effort showing he does care, and getting his ass checked as a result of it.

Dave.. if you really didn't care, you never would reply in the first place, dumb ass.. BUT you did reply and show you really are, a dumb ass. 

This isn't the first time Scherer has gotten 'checked' and put in his place by yours truly. Yes.. Just like Meltzer, and the recent pattern of Conrad Thompson video fuck ups, there's a pattern of Dave Scherer getting 'checked', over and over, and over again.

I swear, he just INSISTS on showing what a dumb shit he really is, and I'm more than happy to help him in that endeavor (smiles).

There's this link here.. Arguing with some he kept ASSuming, was me. 

Won't email me with his shit but rather argue with someone else who isn't me and just insist that person, is me. Fucking dumb ass.

Here's the one rare time he actually DID try to take me on in  an email exchange, and when he realized he was getting owned, he calls me a loser (When you see the latest exchange he does the same thing to someone else who owned him. Must be his M.O. when he knows his ass was handed to them, call em a loser then run away.

Here's where he thinks a guy named Jeremy is me (rolls eyes). he gets 'checked' by me and anyone else who sends something he thinks is me LMAO! I truly, truly do love this moron mentality of his.

Yes, Scherer is indeed, this stupid,, You can't make this kind of stupidity up.

Want more? Of course there's more. Scherer just can't stop making an ass out of himself so here's some more.

There's a couple more I can add but you get the jest, there's a pattern of Scherer making himself look stupid. It's really not that hard, and goes for it every time he gets 'checked'. He can't just admit when he got owned and spends more time making himself look like a complete moron than just admitting he got put in his place. 

He reminds me very much of the "Marks" that have gotten 'checked' by, he does the very same thing they do, and ends up looking like an idiot in the end, just like they do.

Which now comes to what happened yesterday. 

Adam, who has been an avid reader of this site for a while now (and works for one of the "Major" wrestling companies in this country, which one it is he requested that I don't reveal) sent him the link to the story I did yesterday. Now did ol Dave contact me about it? of course not cause that would've taken some balls, which Dave has shown he doesn't have. 

So instead, he takes it up with the guy who sent him the link, and after he gets 'checked' by Adam, Scherer starts claiming Adam is me, aahahahahahahahaha!

Must be some REAL GOOD meds Dave's on if he thinks everyone who mails him a link that makes PWInsider look bad, is me, LOL!

Below is the email convo Dave had with Adam, and you'll see how Adam clearly 'treated' Dave and 'checked' him. 

And there it is, the signiture 'insult' that shows Scherer knew he was getting 'checked', calling Adam a loser, LMAO!

After Adam sent him that reply about not being smart enough top shut up? Scherer FINALLY shut up, LMAO!

And they did fix (well, sort of, they just deleted it) the mistake as you'll see here.

It only took em 'THREE HOURS to do it. They could've done it sooner had they not been trying to get thermselves over arguing with Adam and failing at it. 

But hey, didn't you know arguing with someone who sent you a message about a fuck up you did is WWAAYY MORE IMPORTANT than just going and fixing the fuck up immediately? 

Like i said, you gotta love the mental midget mindset Scherer and Johnson have, gotta love it (chuckles).

I was about to finish this article when someone just sent me something else, something I can add to this.

Someone on Twitter sent Scherer my story and this, is how ol Dave replied to it.

A little touchy there, Dave? A little 'oversensitive' today? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

All they had to do was simply say "Yeah we fucked up" and simply fix it. But to them two jack asses that would make too much sense. "So much better' to argue and look like dimwits instead.

Yeah, that's just WWAAAYY BETTER, (shakes head and chuckles).

And before they can try and claim that nobody reads this site? I just took this pic 90 seconds ago.

So I'll go and take that argument away from them as well. Now? They have no arguments.


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