Friday, September 3, 2021

Karl Anderson Gets Into Heated Battle On Twitter Over Response To WWE Reminder


Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Champion Karl Anderson is trending worldwide tonight after getting it into with several fans on Twitter over his response to WWE reminding their roster about mental health counseling after the tragic passing of former WCW/TNA star Daffney.

 Daffney passed away on Wednesday night after posting an Instagram Live video where she was suicidal. WWE issued a text message to the roster today to remind them that they have access to company-paid mental health counseling if they need it.

He tried to delete but like all the others who get busted for saying shit they know they shouldn't have said, he didn't delete it fast enough and got pissed because other people kept retweeting it to him.

Here's the deleted tweet, right here. 

Here's the obvious question nobody seems to have the balls to ask, SSOO It's again left up to me to ask.

Hey Karl, if you stand by what you said so much that you keep arguing with fans and 'marks', then why'd you bitch up and delete the tweet for? 

"OOOOOO" I'll wait for that answer, bet I'll be waiting a long time now that he's been 'checked'.

I could post the LONG list of tweets where he goes back and forth but you can go to And see it for yourself.

What I WILL DO, is post one tweet that stood out and that's this one. One that maybe ol Karl shouldn't have said because he's in no position (knowing the company he's currently working for) to say anything about it.

Well Karl seeing that you don't work for AEW on a consistent basis or NXT you really have no leg to stand on. And that's because YYOOUU work for IMPACT, a company whose product is so lam e most of the time that THEY, aren't good enough to be in competition with anybody.

"OOOOOOOO" 'checked again Karl, how's that feel? Feel the burn of that one?

Karl, you work for a company that has a product that was so bad that no network ANYWHERE wanted them. Anthem couldn't make a deal with anyone so they had to BUY a network that not everyone can get, just so IMPACT could have something resembling a 'TV DEAL'.

"OOOOOO" Damn, 'checked' and owned for the third time. 

See? THAT is how you throw shit back at guys who shouldn't be speaking in the first place. THAT is how you put a guy like Karl in his place. Give him facts, not the same ol "mark" replies like "NXT was WWEE's developmental" answers. Everyone tries that predictable response. Give him facts like i laid out and he'll have shit to say.

And when he doesn't reply to what I say in this story? You'll see, that I'm right.

Then.. You can thank me for it.

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