Saturday, September 25, 2021

Control Your Narrative- FREE MATT CARDONA (Free The Narrative Entrance)


#FreeTheNarrative (excerpt IV)⁣ ⁣ When you chose to become #Free and first enter #TheNarrative, you earn an entrance that confronts your #past.⁣ ⁣ Some look upon the past with regret. Their wrong decisions, missed opportunities, severed friendships, and love. The great fear that on your final day all you see is your lost potential.⁣ ⁣ Others, like @themattcardona, reminisce fondly about the past. The good, the highs, the joy of a life well-lived. Childhood nostalgia and memories that last forever. They show #gratitude.⁣ ⁣ Regardless, when you walk into #TheNarrative you understand that your past is just a #story and when you realize that, it has no power over you.⁣ ⁣ Who walks out of The Narrative is never the same person who walked in.⁣

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