Sunday, September 5, 2021

Chris Jericho Refused To "Do The Job" When It counted The Most (Defeating MJF At All Out)


When I heard that Chris Jericho and MJF were going to have ANOTHER match (even though they already went thru this very badly booked feud and MJF won it), I know just knew that Jericho wouldn't do what was right for business and instead? Would do what would satisfy his ego. He defeated MJF at All Out when really the feud was already over.

I guess this was Jericho's way of saying "Me lose a feud to him? That don't work for me, brotha".

And the very fact he didn't lose this match, which had the rotten, lame, weak ass stipulation of if Jericho loses he has to do commentary for now on absolutely proves the above sentence to be correct. He didn't and WOULDN'T do the job for MJF when it counted the most. Jericho just HAD to get the 'last word' even though his 'last word' doesn't really mean shot in comparison to the bigger picture. 

I wasn't the only one who had a feeling this might happen. I listened to this clip from Jim Cornette's podcast where he and Brian Last BOTH said, if Jericho has the balls to not do the job for MJF in this match, that it would be bullshit. 

Guess what, Cornette, Last and I, were all right on this. Absolute, bullshit. 

Here's the clip from Cornette's podcast I'm speaking about.

What could possibly be the logic or mindset of Jericho going into this? Other than "I'm gonna get my win  back" which means pretty much nothing since AEW has since abandoned the "wins and losses mean something here in AEW" philosophy. All this is, is Jericho wanted to be 'on top' even though MJF is CLEARLY, the better performer in every way possible over Jericho. If this isn't right out of the "Hulk Hogan or Triple H" not doing jobs book i don't know what it, but even a blind man can see? It clearly is, just that.

Before you AEW fans and "Marks" start labeling me a Jericho hater and what not, let me lay the foundation here so you can see where I'm coming from.

"I've BEEN a fan of Jericho. When he teamed with Lance Storm in Smokey Mountain Wrestling, his run in ECW as well as his appearances for the WAR promotion in Japan. I'm also a fan of MJF where I've seen him in Limitless Wrestling, AAW and other indie companies (Do a search on the search engine of MJF on my site and you'll many things come up), so it's not that I'm a 'hater' of either of them. I'm a 'hater' of horribly bad booking. There's a difference.

Jericho SHOULD know what proper booking 101 is as he's been around people who know it AND have done it. He may have learned it but he's either forgotten it or just flat out refused to do it correctly.  This feud with MJF is a great example of what basic booking 101 isn't.

First you had Jericho AND MJF each having a stable, Jericho punks MJF and his stable out to where you wonder, WHAT HAPPENED to that stable? HAS there been a logical explanation as to why MJF's stable isn't around? Nope. 

Then instead of booking your way UP TO having a Wargames match, they instead book it ass backwards. Instead of going from A to B to C to D, they went in some ways backwards and in other ways just boking 'whatever' is their fancy for that week, totally making the feud confusing and worthless. 

THEN we have this Five Labors Of Jericho crap which leads TO a match where MJF defeats Jericho and that should be the end of it.. Time for MJF to move on to something bigger and better now that Jericho has 'elevated' MJF.

BUT NNNNOOO, NNOO, OOHH NOO. God forbid something as logical and makes the most common sense happens. That just isn't the "AEW way" you know.

WWEEE have to have 'one more match', which after all this, most fans who have some sort of basic knowledge of the wrestling business are scratching their heads, asking "WHY? What's the point"? MJF clearly won and it's time to end this horribly bad booked feud and hope both wrestlers get something else better to do.

But obviously, Tony Khan didn't have the balls to put a halt to it when it should've been halted. SSOO, we get what happened tonight on All Out.

If Jericho loses he has to stop being in the ring and be in the commentary booth for now on.. (Yawns) 

In an interview with Sports Illustrated Jericho explains that it was a 'really important' detail tat he tapped out to MJF in their match on Dynamite. You can see his quote below.

If THAT was such a fucking 'IMPORTANT' detail then why isn't the 'important detail' of truly elevating MJF with a victory on ALL OUT, left out? HHMM?

I guess 'important details' only matter when Jericho wants them to matter.

Bottom line is MJF doesn't look better nor is he elevated because of this, and NEITHER is Jericho. All Jericho did was 'pull a Triple H' and refused todo the job when it counted the most. He did exactly what the Young Bucks did to FTR when The Bucks faced FTR. Buried them because their ego couldn't handle the fact there ARE better teams and talents in AEW than them. Jericho sees the same thing in MJF but his pride and ego refused to let MJF have the victory that would've elevated him.

Besides, Jericho is soon going to be going on tour with his rock group Fozzy, so what the fuck does it matter if you jobbed to MJF on the pay per view? People are still gonna buy tickets to your rock concerts, you being off AEW TV would actually be a GOOD THING.. And when the tour's done, THEN you could come back and finagle your way to another possible rematch with MJF.

THAT, is actual logical booking and does make sense. But as I said, It seems Jericho has forgotten what logical booking is.

Instead we had to suffer with Jericho throwing ego and possibly a power play to 'get the last word' and 'get a win'. Which to most fans who watched this tonight? Even hardcore AEW fans? Saw the bullshit written all over the place when it came to this decision. 

Now some AEW fans and 'marks' may not like what I said here, but the truth is the truth. The writing is written all over the wall on it and no matter how much Jericho will try to spin it? Most people will hear the bullshit in the spin, no matter how much he tries to justify his ego stroking with that win tonight.

Now before any of you try and say "A DUH, I bet you wouldn't say this or send this Jericho". I'd love to, but last month I had the balls to send him a link to THIS article here?

As much as like to try and be snarly with "Marks" on twitter, he saw that article and punked out of trying it with me. I smacked and 'checked' him with facts and his own words coming back to slap him, and THIS was the end result of him knowing, he got 'checked'


As you see, when Jericho knew he was 'checked' and put in his place?

He bitched up.. And ran to hide behind a block, like most do when they know I took any ability to argue or reply away from them.

He pretty much did what the "Marks" who get 'checked' by me do. Typical yet, so predictable (smiles)

So there you go, Jericho just HAD to 'get his BBIIIGG win back' at the result of not doing the right thing and elevating someone who clearly has more talent and COULD put asses in seats.

Guess ego was more important, even though his pay day was gonna be the same if the match result was different.

"That doesn't work for me, brotha". 

Not a better example of that, than what everyone saw tonight, with Jericho vs MJF.

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