Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Why Do These People Insist On getting "Checked"? They Always Make it Too Easy


Don't "Marks" ever learn? Apparently not since this has become a reoccurring topic. Today's "Marks" getting 'checked' and put in their place by me. 

The sad part is? They STILL, continue to make it too easy for me to do.

Take this clown who today tried to oh so usual claim that 'nobody' reads this site (a claim that gets shattered every time they try it).

Of course what does it ass clown do? he does what MANY of today's "marks" do when they get presented with facts and evidence. They can't accept it and will try anything to not show that they indeed DID get 'checked'.

Which of course makes them even more like a dumb ass every time they attempt that, but they for some reason can't conceive that concept if their livers depended on it. 

Here's the shot of what put this guy in his place. How these idiots think they can't be proven wrong must be one of those "unsolved mysteries", LOL!

So back down to his mother's basement he can go, now that even Stevie Wonder could see, he got, "Checked".

Then there's this moron over at Sportskeeda.

he claims what I posted was a dead issue BUT.. if Jericho and others in AEW keep doing it then guess what, Jackass. it's NOT a dead issue. And if you keep replying to me trying to justify your wrong opinion then you're just making yourself look just as stupid? As the "Marks" are. 

And he sure did a great job of accomplishing that. :)

Hopefully ol' Mikeypoo had someone with more intelligence than him explain it so he could finally understand. 

Some day... Someday the "Marks" will make it a challenge. Someday? Someday.

Someday, won't be today. :)

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