Saturday, August 21, 2021

So CM Punk Debuts In AEW- I Guess I'll Have To Be The One Who Whirls His Finger And says "Whoopie"


By Bill M. Walkowitz

So all the hoopla and hollering about CM Punk coming to debut in AEW actually happened earlier tonight. All the current era "Marks" I know were all in a celebratory mood as this to them was the 'greatest thing' ever. 

Since I always seem to be the asshole in the room, I'll go ahead and be that asshole. CM Punk in AEW? 

(Whirls finger and says "WWHHOOPPIIEE")

Dave Scherer said on his PWInsider site that this was 'perfect". Yeah, a PERFECT example of how to rip off exactly what WWE does. 

Wasn't it AEW who kept claiming that THEY.. Were going to be the 'alternative' to WWE? They sure did and I covered and called them out on that with this story.. as well as acouple days ago with THIS story.. 

Yeah, pretty hard to keep claiming to be the "alternative" to WWE when you keep doing exactly what WWE does. makes you go, HHHMMM. And it also makes you wonder how the AEW "Marks" 'never' seem to see this even though a blind man can.

And tonight's segment with CM Punk was taken straight from HOW, WWE does things.

They have Punk come out at the beginning of the show, and he spent almost TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES in the ring on the mic. 

Gee, if that isn't right out of the RAW and Smackdown way of doing things I don't know what is. But hey, remember AEW is SUPPOSED to be the 'alternative' ya know (rolls eyes)

I watched this and five minutes in I was wishing he'd quickly get to the point and get the fuck out of the ring. But NNOOPEE, THAT would've been too logical, so in the usual AEW tradition where things go on way too long every week, they kept that tradition going with this segment. 

And then he goes "Can I tell you a story"? I admit I was the one who was saying "Not really, just get to the point of all this please" but even if every fan in the United Center had said "No"? He would've went on to tell the story anyway (He does have at least ten more minutes to kill ya know). 

THEN, in an act that validates everything I've been saying about how fucking dumb today's "marks" are, Punk takes a seat in the middle of the ring.. And the "Marks" CHEER like he did something earth shattering. 

He 'sat in the middle of the ring'.. What in the hell is there to cheer about, you morons.

And what does he do then?  He does the SAME THING every wrestler that's left WWE and comes to AEW does. He finds a way to whine about them. Gee like nobody saw THAT cokming, eh? (rolls eyes).

What he should've done? was watch Christian's promo on Impact and taken some notes from that. 

Christian stated how TNA (Impact) took a chance on him, and he took a chance on himself. THAT kind of thing would've been way better than crying about being 'sick' in another company. 

Another interesting observation, CM Punk claimed that Ring of Honor was his 'Home", WELL if seemed like 'home' so much to you, how come you never went back there? Dipshit. Why didn't you resign with them? OOHHH I know why, because you wanted to get the big payday by milking the money mark Tony Khan, just like all the other WWE castoffs have done.

I swear I must be the only one, who can shoot holes in bullshit like this with such ease. God knows Scherer won't ever have the balls to do it, nor will any other, dirt sheet or wrestling news site. So of course it'll always have to be left to me to do.

How many times did he say "I'm back", five, six times? We got it the third time. Besides everyone knew you were coming so it wasn't like it was a huge earthshattering surprise either. 

But now what? Now what after all this when in like four weeks you get treated to the illogical booking AEW is well known for, working in the ring with guys who can't, don't know how or don't WANT to 'sell' correctly and the storylines are just as weak for you as they are for most of the roster? Are you gonna get 'sick', again?

I know the 'marks' are gonna be all in an uproar when they read this. (shrugs) "You're a hater" is what I'll be told in replies and in messenger, (whirls finger) truth hurts so if calling me a 'hater' is the most insulting thing you can come up with? Won't be the first time and it sure as hell won't be the last so I'll embrace your compliment with a big smile. 

Or, I'll get "You're not a fan", and you're right, you're absolutely right. I'm not a fan of CM Punk. So all this hoopla about him being in AEW has me going "yeah, so, big deal". The ONLY THING when it came to Punk that i ever liked? Was when he was in Ring of Honor and the fans there chanted "CM Pussy". THAT cracked me up to no end. 

CM Punk in ROH did nothing for me and when he was in the WWE he did even less. So him being in AEW will be more of the same. The same description can be applied to the other guy that's being hyped so much, Daniel Bryan. And if he debuts in AEW and does the same rip off of WWE's opening segment as Punk did tonight? You can bet I'll be making fun of that as well. 

The one thing AEW DID Do for me? They reminded me again why I, don't WWE anymore. So I can thank them for that (smiles). 

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