Monday, August 16, 2021

Since Dave Meltzer AGAIN Can't Post A Link Correctly, I'll Do What He's Incapable Of Doing


In the long bad habit of Dave Meltzer, who for some reason 'just can't' post a link properly on his web page if his life depended on it. I'm gonna go ahead and AGAIN, do what he just seem smart enough to do.

This isn't the first time has shown he's a fuck up when it comes to posting links incorrectly, I've busted him several times and had to furnish either the correct link, or post it correctly for him. I keep saying that someone should show him how, to do it correctly, OORRR, someone should just keep doing it for himself since he can't grasp the concept of how to do it right. 

Here's some examples of when Meltzer 'thought' he did it correctly, but failed fucking miserably at it. 

There's this..

Then, there's this...

Let's not forget this one too.

And then there's this gem as well.

You want more? HHHERREE you go, more.

But it doesn't stop here.. There's STILL more.

Now before you "Meltzer Marks start whining and crying on why I don't tell Meltzer this myself? I HAVE.. And since "The Great Meltzer" can't handle it when someone corrects him and shows HIM, HIS obvious mistake.. THIS, is what he does as a result of being embarrassed. 

He runs and hides behind a block instead of just sucking it up and admitting he made a mistake.

So here's his latest blunder. Again, the shot from the top of the page is from The Observer's "Daily Report" That Meltzer did today. 

So since Meltzer doesn't seem to have the simple brain capacity to know how to properly post a link correctly. I'll once again, be more than happy to supply the link correctly.

Here it is.

For now on Dave, when it's time to have a link posted in an update YOU'RE doing? Better make sure someone else does it for you. You obviously after all this time STILL, can get it right no matter how hard you try. 

You're welcome. :)

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