Tuesday, August 3, 2021

PWInsider Wants People To "Pay" So You Can Hear A Media Call You Can Hear For Free Somewhere Else (Are People really THIS DUMB?)


Yes, some people are indeed, that fucking stupid.

Why would anyone, ANYONE be dumb enough to 'pay' (PWInsider's VIP Service) to hear something you can freely hear somewhere else?

Only a fucking moron, would do that. And only idiots like Mike Johnson at PWInsider think that's a "Brilliant' idea. The sad but unfortunate things is, some people ARE stupid enough to indeed, do just that.

I've busted and called them out on this little scam before. Like this story here.  https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/10/content-available-exclusively-to.html as well as this example here. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/11/content-only-available-exclusively-to.html

So it shouldn't come as much surprise when, I get to do it again. Someday the clowns at PWInsider will smarten up, until then? i get to make it obvious what ass clowns they are.

Unfortunately, they make it so easy, and obvious to do.

So if you want to be one of the smart ones and not one of the suckers who get suckered into their "VIP membership scam" and want to hear something they're making their "VIP Members" pay to listen to. Just go to this link right here on YouTube, and enjoy it for free like many others are doing.


You can go ahead and thank me for pointing out what's pretty obvious, even if Mike Johnson is too dumb to notice the obvious himself.

You're welcome. :)

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