Wednesday, August 18, 2021

It's Amateur Night With Conrad's Thompson's Videos Again


It's not like I go out of my way to find this stupidity, it just keeps coming my way. You simply can't make this shit up.

Case in point is this right here. I go to watch a clip from The Arn show (screen shot of it above). When you watch it it's VERY OBVIOUS that Arn 'punts' Brett Wayne Sawyer and NOT, Buzz Sawyer. 

So this brings the obvious question.. HOW the fuck, can you make a mistake that's THAT fucking obvious? 

All whoever uploads these has to do, is just WATCH, what the fuck you're uploading. Is it really that hard? That difficult? 

Obviously as you're about to see? The answer to that question IS.. It IS that hard. 

This isn't the first time this has happened, and until Conrad has or gets the balls to fix this problem, it's going to continue to be an ongoing problem.

Or maybe, Conrad Thompson just doesn't give a shit. Maybe you should ask him and see what he says.


Here's some other examples of how whoever uploads these clips can't get it right if their life depended on it.

I covered most of these fuck ups with this story here.

Then there's one.

And then there's one too.

Don't think I have more? OOOHH but I do. :) 

See? Right here.

But wait, there's MORE. :)

The examples just keep coming and coming, and coming. Like this one here.

I replied to it mentioning it, as someone else did. But you can bet nobody is gonna fix it.

The sad part about ALL THESE examples I've shown here? NONE of them to this moment have been corrected or fixed. None of them. 

So I guess i was right when I said Conrad doesn't give a shit. If he did you'd think he'd TRY to fix all of these including the newest one. 

But I guess correcting things on his own clips is something that's "beneath him", eh? 

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