Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Hope Conrad Isn't Paying Whoever Is Uploading These (The Screw Ups Keep Coming)


Seriously, is Conrad Thompson paying someone to keep fucking up the videos being uploaded to YouTube? This is just the latest example in a long pattern of fuck ups when it comes to Conrad Thompson's videos.

And it seems like, since none of them have been corrected, that Conrad doesn't give a shit if they're fucked up.

"Just as long as they're uploaded, 'wwhhoo cares' if they're screwed up in some form or fashion, just get em uploaded pal" must be the logic and mentality.

If Conrad can take the time to insert his "Save With Conrad" ads in each video, you'd think he'd take the time to make sure no mistakes are made when they're uploaded.

I mean, look. Here's some examples of the constant fuck ups. On a regular basis.

There's this one from Aug. 18th..  https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2021/08/its-amateur-night-with-conrads.html

Then there's this one, where I recapped most of the past fucks ups. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/whoever-is-posting-conrads-stuff-is.html

Then there's this 'classic.

Yes indeedy, let's go ahead and put the 83 weeks logo and Bischoff's picture for a segment from the Arn Anderson podcast.. Yeah, that works really well. If YOU FUCKING MORON!

Of course there's this..  https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2021/07/someone-needs-to-go-to-uploading-school.html

And then there's this too.

THEN? There's also this priceless gem. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/can-someone-please-show-conrad-thomas.html where he uploaded a segment and titled "Scott Hall" even though there, was NO MENTION of Scott Hall in the entire segment. (And take note, he STILL hasn't corrected that either.. I guess he feels he's above correcting himself).

Yep, gotta love ol Conrad, if he's consistent at one thing? It's having a fuck up really fuck up his video clips, LOL!

Good job, good job (sarcastic 'thumbs up') Hope you get a raise for all this fucking up you're doing. 

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