Thursday, August 26, 2021



On his Fangin N' Bangin podcast, former WWE wrestler Gangrel said he was scheduled to appear on last night's AEW Dynamite in Milwaukee, but it was canceled Monday after Edge's appearance with Seth Rollins on last Friday's WWE SmackDown.

He said AEW reached out for an appearance and were even in the process of putting his entrance together with music and pyro. He was preparing to fly out to Milwaukee for Tuesday and got the call on Monday that they were going in a different direction due to "WWE media stuff."

In a surprise on SmackDown, Edge gave Rollins a blood bath (black liquid designed to imitate blood) ahead of their clash at SummerSlam and even did part of the Brood entrance for that match.

Gangrel said he was both worried about the opportunity falling through and happy for Edge at the same time. He knew once he saw the "tremendously done" entrance Saturday and that "I knew it was the final nail in the coffin."

He didn't say what AEW was bringing him in for, but it's assumed it would have been part of the Christian Cage/Kenny Omega angle given his Brood relationship to Cage.

Gangrel said he called Edge to talk about SmackDown and eventually reluctantly revealed what had happened after Edge was excited that Gangrel might get more bookings out of the angle.

Once Edge found out, he felt bad about the situation and was apologetic as he had no idea. He had been working on it for nearly three months and said it was hard to get WWE to approve it because of their PG rating. He wanted red "blood" but was told if it wasn't black, it wasn't going to happen.

He said he had no ill will toward Edge and was thrilled to see the entrance pulled off. He simply chalked it up to bad timing and hopes to be booked by AEW again in the future.

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