Friday, August 27, 2021

Could THIS 'Allegedly' Be The "New" NXT Logo? (Let's Hope Not, It looks F*cking Horrible)


Rapper and noted pro wrestling fan Wale may have just revealed the new WWE NXT logo and a snippet of the new NXT theme song.

As you'll see below, Wale posted a video to Twitter today that includes a song with several familiar hip-hop samples. The video also includes a bright color-changing NXT logo.

“‘Keep it true to self!’ @WWENXT,” Wale wrote as the caption.

The video was re-tweeted by Triple H, the official WWE account, and the official NXT account.

It’s been reported that a new, brighter look is coming soon for the NXT brand, with a new logo and a new feel for the weekly TV show. It will be interesting to see if this is a part of the new look. The new look is also supposed to coincide with a new creative directive for the brand.

This has not been confirmed, but a reset for the NXT brand is rumored for either the September 14 episode or the September 21 episode.

Trust me, NOBODY wants to see that lame ass shit become the new logo. It looks like something a five year old made in art class. This must've been another "Nick Khan" idea as only HE, would think THAT logo, is way better than say, THIS ONE.

Here's Wale's little clip.

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