Saturday, August 14, 2021

Championship Wrestling from Memphis - Episode #25


AUGUST 14, 2021: Fresh off the heels of The Murderhawk Monster invading Memphis Wrestling, we're back with the backlash... and another special guest. Tiger Joe is here in Memphis Wrestling... but WHY? Plus, the roster gets ready for Monster Nights in Newport, Arkansas - TONIGHT!

Here's the card for this week's Memphis Wrestling... SINGLES MATCH | THE GUNSHOW vs CHRIS HAYES The GunShow Brett Michaels is fresh off a fight against Lance Archer, where he came out on top! Now, Chris Hayes is standing in the way - wrong place, wrong time perhaps? SINGLES MATCH | UNCLE MIKEY vs BIG SWOLE The Skimahorns are back after losing their Memphis Wrestling Tag Team Titles... and they are NOT happy. Don't worry, Uncle Mikey will show them how it's done in 1 on 1 action! BEST OF THE BEST CHALLENGE | Austin Lane vs ??? Although Austin Lane is ready for action TONIGHT (Saturday night) in Newport, AR - but he's here for another Best of the Best Challenge. Who will answer the call... and will we find out what happened to Connor? WOMEN'S DIVISION MATCH | MISS BERONICA vs DIANA TAYLOR One would have to think that a Championship opportunity could be in line for the winner... so, who's it going to be? Miss Beronica or Diana Taylor? TAG TEAM MATCH | THE CROWLEYS vs CHRIS LEXX & CARTER MATTHEWS Carter and Chris haven't had the best of luck in Memphis Wrestling. And that changing this week... doesn't look too promising, unless there's a major upset The Crowleys. MAIN EVENT | TIGER JOE I HERE... BUT WHY? We aren't sure why... but Tiger Joe from the Netflix series Tiger King II is here! And rumor has it that he wants to... FIGHT? PLUS | Highlights from Memphis Wrestling Saturday Night, including The Yung GOATS winning the Tag Team Championships alongside Teddy Long and Alan Steel successfully defending his title against Lil Chris. But what's next for both divisions?

ALSO | The backlash from The Murderhawk Monster!

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