Sunday, August 29, 2021

Brandi Rhodes Posts A Tweet, Then Quickly Tried To Delete It After She Got "Checked" (She Got "treated")


Brandi Rhodes attempted to make a stance of some sort about Black wrestlers but came off as quite clueless, and when she got "checked" and put in her place about it? She tried to quickly delete it.

BUT... She didn't delete it quickly enough. 

Here's her now deleted tweet.

Yes Brandi, you HAVE been missing it.

Here's some of the replies that put Brandi in her place.

Needless to say, once she realized she was getting 'checked' she quickly tried to delete it. But didn't do it fast enough.

So since Brandi has CLEARLY been 'missing it' and pretty much has no knowledge about anything wrestling wise outside of AEW, let me go ahead and show her "where the love is" when it comes to black wrestlers in other companies.

Take note, I'm a white Irish/Polack and I seem to know more about Black wrestlers who have been featured well than her, and she's. black. Makes you go, HHHMMM.

I guess Brandi has no clue about the Reality Of Wrestling company based in Texas, owned by Booker T, a black wrestler.. Funny how HE has pushed many black wrestlers, male AND female well in his company. 

Maybe someone should send Brandi some links from there to her so she can educate herself.

Then there's Darius Carter in Warriors of Wrestling He's been their champion and has been featured well in matches and angles.

I'll show you a few examples.

Here's a match between Carter and "The Pope" Elijah Burke..

Oh damn, what's this? A match between Darius and current WWE wrestler Killer Kross?

Oh but wait, wait wait wwaaiittt.. There's THIS from Tier 1 Wrestling.. Darius vs.. MATT RIDDLE!

Yeah Brandi, "where's the love"? Obviously YOU, haven't been looking very hard if I can find it in less than three minutes.

I guess the names like Tasha Steele and Kiera Hogan don't come to mind either, eh? HELL, Kiera was on AEW's Elevation show a little over TWO WEEKS AGO!

Guess you were playing with your dog when that match happened?

I can keep going and going on this, listing example after example of how Brandi clearly has 'missed it'. It's way too easy.

Maybe Brandi should attempting to do a little something called "research".

"Research" can be a your friend Brandi, if you open your eyes and mind and allow it to be. 

Special credit goes to who also covered this story. 

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