Saturday, August 28, 2021

Another Day? And Another Conrad Thompson F*ck Up Comes (You'd Think He'd REALLY Try To Fix These Things By Now)

 This has become such a long running bad joke, that it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. Sad that Conrad Thompson obviously doesn't give two shits HOW, his videos look or sound when they get uploaded, just as long as they're uploaded. 

I mean I just covered this issue YESTERDAY with this story.  And yet not even a DAY, TWENTY FOUR, FFUUCCKKING HOURS go by and here we are again. Another fuck up of one of Conrad's video clips.  

It's not like he hasn't been contacted about it. Here's proof I did it, and he STILL hasn't replied about it.

 And look, someone else attempted to contact Conrad and HE, got no answer from Mr. "Save With Conrad' either. 

I even went ahead and replied to someone who asked about it, right there in the comments section.

It wouldn't surprise me if my comment there "mysteriously" gets deleted. Cause God forbid the truth of this ongoing dumb shit is quite embarrassing, even if nobody has any balls to actually fix the problem.

Maybe one of you viewers who are reading this can ask Conrad about it, and see if he'll answer you and explain to you why he's avoiding correcting these problems. Because as long as they continue, it'll show that as 'professional' as he claims to be? These constant fuck ups and hiom seemingly not caring show, just how "unprofessional' he's become. 


Maybe Conrad should reach into those deep pockets and actually PAY some one who knows what the fuck they're doing to upload these clips. 

But I guess that, like actually fixing these ongoing issues would take some balls, and if Conrad won't even acknowledge these issues? What does that say, about him. makes you go, HHHMMMM.

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