Monday, July 19, 2021

WWE Gets Paid A TON Of Money Just So, They Could Get Sh*tty Service Streaming A Pay Per View (Gotta Love it)


I'm glad I don't watch WWE's crappy product cause I would've been PISSED OFF had i paid to see a PPV just to have it go black. I heard the term "You get what you pay for" and obviously, WWE got paid a ton of money thinking they got a great deal? But instead, it's like paying the price for a Rolls Royce, but instead, getting the worst used car the dealer has on his lot. 

Maybe they should've just stuck with what they had before, eh? It wasn't broke, they tried to fix it and look what they got as a result.

WWE received a significant amount of negative social media feedback over a moment that took place in tonight’s RAW Women’s Title match at the WWE Money In the Bank pay-per-view, which saw Charlotte Flair win the strap from Rhea Ripley.

Becky Lynch posted a photo before the pay-per-view and confirmed that she was in attendance at the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas. This led to more speculation on a possible Lynch return, but probably meant that she was not returning tonight. Fans chanted for Lynch several times during the Flair vs. Ripley match. Flair responded to one “we want Becky!” chant by giving a middle finger salute to the Texas crowd. 

WWE production tried to black out the screen to block Flair’s middle finger to the crowd, but it was still visible on the live Peacock/WWE Network feed. The attempted edit led to many fans knocking the company on Twitter, making them a complete fucking laughingstock.

And then to make matters worse was Peacock, who paid WWE a lot of money promising superior service, having streaming issues with the pay per view. 

Can't edit out things right, can't provide premium service for a pay per view, and WWE GLADLY accepted Peacock's money just so they could get this shitty service. This is what happens when WWE DOESN'T micromanage something themselves? LMAO!

The heavy buffering issues began after the RAW Women’s Title match between Rhea Ripley and new champion Charlotte Flair, and were resolved a few minutes into the Men’s Money In the Bank Ladder Match, which was won by Big E. Many fans apparently missed all of the backstage segment with Riddle, Rick Boogs and King Shinsuke Nakamura, and the entrances to the Men’s MITB Ladder Match.

WWE reportedly did not pause the pay-per-view while the issues were going on because initially the company was not aware of any issues, or "so they say" but how could they NOT be aware of it? Weren't they watching? SOMEBODY should've been monitoring it, DDUUHH!!. The streaming issues were only with the Peacock feed in the United States, and did not emanate from the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas, the site of the pay-per-view. The issues were coming from wherever Peacock was picking up the stream, and then sending it out to their subscribers. So it all falls back on Peacock not being fully prepared or expert enough to successfully pull off streaming a live pay per view that many people paid to see. The international feed of the WWE Network had zero issues, so WWE kept the broadcast going because they also had an international audience viewing the show.

So they basically said "Fuck the fans in the U.S. who cares if they paid for the show and can't see it, "The Show Must Go On".. Much like after Owen Hart died in the ring, "the show must go on". Hell of a mentality WWE has, hell of a mentality. 

It was also interesting to note that since Peacock fixed their stream, the feed was one belonging to the WWE Network, not Peacock, as the stream no longer featured any of the Peacock graphics. makes you go, "HHHMMM".

The issues also led to multiple fans complaining about how they were unable to fast forward or rewind on Peacock. The platform told fans on Twitter that player controls will be rolling out on additional devices soon, including on Roku and Android TV later this month.

It sure as hell doesn't help them NOW, when the fans fucking wanted it, dipshits. 

Peacock responded to more complaints after the pay-per-view and made it known that the replay is available for viewing. Peacock also issued various responses, some generic, to dozens of fans as you'll see below. Corporate America at its finest when it comes to avoiding and deflecting on an issue that's THEIR fault.

"Hi, we're here to help. We can't help you right now with your current issue, but come back to us in a few months when we hopefully have controls out for the devices you use that don't have them. Please DM all your inquires and we'll be happy to avoid or deflect from them, Thank you for supporting Peacock", LOL.

That's pretty much the gist of their replies, avoid and deflect instead of confronting and solve the problem (rolls eyes).

I can post at least a dozen more that'll have the same kind of standard "We'll pass this along and avoid dealing with it ourselves" excuses.

AAHH YYEEEPP.. Great night to be a WWE fan, eh? Aren't you "just sssoo happy" (note, TONS of sarcasm there) that WWE made this 'great' investment with Peacock? 

bravo peacock, bravo, another 'Steller' night for you, NNOOTT!

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