Monday, July 26, 2021

WWA (Kentucky)- Hysteria 114 - Independence Day 2021


WWA returns to Central City for the first time in nearly two years for one of the biggest shows yet: -In the Main Event Team Vanderpool (Vanderpool, 747, Nick Depp and Stonewall) face off with Team WWA (Ray Waddell, Dakota France, Jordan Whittaker, and a fourth partner if they can find one) in an elimination tag team match. If Team WWA can't find a fourth member, then it will be a 4-on-3 match -Josiah is the new WWA Champion. Tonight he has his first title defense against Alexander Knight, who won the Number One Contenders Tournament on the last Hysteria -Logan Legit holds a National Championship Open Challenge -After attacking the Trendkillers on the last Hysteria, Mikeal has been renamed MK Swift. Tonight, he tags with Munchie against the Trendkillers All of this plus Jones, The People's Temple, Mickey Midas, Pretty Powerful, Lizzy Sixx, Nick Willis, Colonel Harper, Drake Jaxon and more!

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