Monday, July 26, 2021

World League Wrestling Sunday Night #Showdown - Episode #141


Welcome back to World League #Wrestling! The newest episode of #Showdown is here for the wrestling fans across the world as it comes to you from the house that #HarleyRace built. On tonight's episode, you'll see the following matches: Brandon Espinosa vs. Chris Hendrix WLW Tag-Team Championships are on the line as Derek Stone and Jon Webb defend against Colton Theron Vaught and Kyle Roberts Make sure you tune in every week for new content here on WLW Showdown! The next live event is lined up and ready to go - "For the Love of Wrestling". Visit for tickets and other information. The Grand RE-Opening is this Saturday from 1 to 3 PM. Get to the Race Arena in Troy to see it if you haven't before.

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