Thursday, July 29, 2021

Wale Asks Wrestling Fans Why They Can’t Enjoy Both WWE And AEW (And I Have An Answer)


Rapper Wale was actively tweeting during this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite: Fight for the Fallen. Prior to the show, Wale asked fans to guess Tony Khan’s advertised announcement, which turned out to be AEW heading to the United Center in Chicago on August 20 for AEW Rampage: First Dance.

After getting into a back-and-forth with a few fans, Wale wondered why fans of WWE and AEW were constantly at odds. Wale also pointed to how talents from AEW and WWE happen to be friends.

It’s no secret that Wale is a big fan of pro wrestling. Earlier this year, he performed Big E’s “Feel The Power” theme song at WrestleMania 37. Wale also appeared during an episode of WWE NXT in Oct. 2019. 

He wants an answer? I'm going to give him an answer. And as usual it won't be a very popular answer. Because when someone like me speaks the truth, the "Marks" always get in an uproar.

Truth hurts, too bad, deal with it. Here's some more of that truth right now.

Why can't some people watch two different brands? In my case the answer is very simple.

The product that both companies put out? sucks. 

While that's usually a simple yet, easy answer, "Marks" always want detailed reasons why I feel that way. So I again will show why and then watch as the "Marks" deflect and ignore facts and truth like they usually do.

I haven't been a fan of the "WWE Way" they present wrestling for almost ten years now. And every time I've tried to watch it, no matter if it's RAW or Smackdown or even NXT.. The "WWE Way" rubs me the wrong way every time and I get reminded every time why I don't watch it.

From the scripted promos that are written for the roster by writers who really don't know much about wrestling, to the actual characters they churn out cookie cutter, willy nilly are among the top reasons right there. "Sports Entertainment" doesn't jive very well with me and it never will, not to mention the high level of "No Selling" in matches that WWE, AEW, as well as Impact and Ring Of Honor have is another insult to a guy like me who has watched wrestling since the 70's. Guys literally "walking into " a sidewalk slam or other move is so obcvious it's really fucking pathetic to see. Along with "Let's punch each other in the face two dozen times and nobody staggers or falls to the mat. In a real fight if I punched you in the face? You'd have a black eye and you WILL stagger. That's just a true fact of life. 

Add to it the fact they don't really present their characters in a way that really want you to care about them, or invest much time in them. Nobody really stands out anymore as they're all presented the same "WWE Way". 

Who really, truly stands out? Not very many that's for sure. 

Bruiser Brody? he stood out. Nick Bockwinkel? he stood out. Harley Race, King Kong Bundy, Roddy Piper, I can go on and on and compared to the "wrestlers" you have now? NOINE of them stands out like the ones I listed have and always will.

You think you could've handed a guy like Harley Race or Bruiser Brody a "script" and think they're gonna memorize the shit that's 'written' for them to say? Yeah good luck with that. Most promos come off better if you just give the 'bullet points', here's your opponent, this is the match, GO. And guys like that can do a promo that knocks it out of the ballpark every time. Try giving the late Bobby Heenan a script and see what that get you (plenty of laughter most likely).

Throw in the illogical booking and illogical storytelling and that just adds to the reasons why it sucks. Going from point A to point B to point C doesn't seem to be a concept that WWE remembers anymore. in the WWE Universe logic doesn't seem to exist and in AEW their logic is blatantly ass backwards, and they seem to enjoy the fact they're ass backwards.

AEW claimed they were going to be the 'alternative' to WWE but guess what "Marks", they're not. They do alot of the very same things WWE does but for some reason you want to ignore it. What amuses me alot about "AEW Marks" is they claim to hate WWE but when AEW hires a WWE cast off, they cheer like mad about it. Alot of AEW's roster is, what? OOHH guys that used to work for the WWE, but they want to be known as the 'alternative' to the WWE. Makes you go, HHHMMMMM.

Every match in AEW HAS to go out of the ring, many matches just HAVE to have a guy diving on four guys just standing there 'waiting' to have someone land on them. If that was done in the first match, what's so impressive about seeing it in the third match?

I'll give you a hint, nothing. 

Everybody's doing the same moves in every match so no move really stands out in match three than it did in match one. Everyone "has to get their spots in" in every match which doesn't help with telling a story within the match.  Or the best one which is all the flip flop, gymnastic routines where they have to do a dozen spots in a minute that have no meaning whatsoever. 

It's pretty obvious many of this era's wrestlers either weren't trained properly in ring psychology, have no clue what that is or simply don't want to use it. You tell me which one of the three it is.

Not to mention that the very people booking and writing AEW have no experience doing that and shouldn't be booking a fucking thing to begin with. That's facts and the truth and while AEW has guys who know what ring psychology is and have booking experience. They don't seem to have the balls to tell the AEW roster the truth. OR they're just there to milk the "money mark" Tony Khan out of a paycheck every week. 

"As long as the checks keep clearing, who gives a fuck if the product is the shits", eh? That the mentality?

Thankfully I don't have to 'depend' on the major wrestling companies for my fix for wrestling. There's plenty of Indy groups out there that give me what I'm looking for. MLW, OVW, Reality Of Wrestling, Billy Corgan's NWA, among others I watch every week. Guys like Darius Carter from Warriors of Wrestling, Gino Medina, Nick Aldis all give me what I look for. 

So there's your answer Wale.. Why can't one watch both brands? because both brands suck. They don't cater to a fan like me and it's obvious they don't want to. Brining John Cena in for a 'summer of no selling' isn't catering to a fan like me. And what it would take for those companies, as well as Impact to cater to a fan like me is obviously too much work for them, so they don't bother and would rather take the lazy ways out. 

They prove that fact every week. And they're obviously going, to continue to do that every week. 

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