Sunday, July 25, 2021

Matt Cardona On His GCW Title Win: “I Am The Face Of GCW” (Whirls Finger And Says "Whoopie")


Going from WWE Reject to Impact to now "Being the face" of a garbage wrestling company. 

"wwwooowww, aren't we just SSOO impressed, NOT".

If people really think THIS, is some sort of 'great' accomplishment, then it shows you how shallow and clueless today's "Marks" really are. I mean seriously, who really wants to be 'the face' of a garbage wrestling company? 

When it comes to wrestlers who are truly serious about their careers? The answer is, nobody. 

And how has Game Changer Wrestling "Changed" the game? It hasn't and the only ones who can't seem to realize it? Are the people who own and run Game Changer Wrestling.

Kind of like Jeff Jarrett thinking he was a main event caliber wrestler and the only person who couldn't 'get it' that he wasn't, was Jeff Jarrett. Same thing.

So if Matt thinks being the 'face' of a garbage company is a HUGE accomplishment. Then he set the bar really low for himself when it comes to success now that he's away from the horrible WWE system. 

Pretty sad that his wife seems to be more over now that she's able to appear on shows, than he is. 

But, that's just the way, the world is.

Matt Cardona beat Nick Gage to become the new GCW World Champion last night at GCW Homecoming (Night One). This marks Cardona’s first World Championship in his 17-year wrestling career.

In a post-match interview, the former Zack Ryder admitted he feared a death match’s violence, but emphasized that the reward outweighed the risk.

“I’ve been scratching and clawing my entire f–king life, my entire f–king career,” Cardona said. “Did you really think I was scared of Nick Gage? Of course I was afraid of the violence, but I wasn’t afraid of the destruction that would happen in that ring. Look at my body. I’m covered in blood, I’m scarred up, but it was all worth it.

As for his future in Game Changer Wrestling, Cardona noted he isn’t going anywhere.

Sure he is, he's going to the next Impact Wrestling TV taping, LOL! These clowns now really should be careful what they say cause words have a way of making them, look like real fucking morons. 

“This isn’t a one-and-done. This isn’t a Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania, first time, last time,” Cardona continued. “I am the face of this f–king company. I am ready to take GCW to new heights. I am the face of GCW, and a face with teeth.”

And THAT, considering what the company is, isn't something to be really proud of.

GCW is also trying to hock a shirt celebrating the fans reaction to Matt "becoming The face" of their company. 

Wait a week and I bet you'll be able to get them on eBay for less than a five dollar bid. :) 

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