Thursday, July 1, 2021

Latest Example Of How Today's "Marks" Are Truly, TRULY... Dumb


It's been about acouple weeks since my last example of what dumb shits today's "Marks" are. But thanks to this latest dumb ass, I get to once again show you, that "Marks" today are really, dumb.. As, fuck.

I especially love how someone who helps with this site catches this moron in a lie, one hour after he made the lie. And when he gets busted  on it, what does he do? The SAME THING all "marks" do when they get busted out in public. Answer in every way they can to avoid admitting they got caught lying. 

Why is it, every "Mark" does that very same thing? They know they got caught and can't avoid it so own up to it instead of trying to side step it. It just makes you look more stupid. But if that's the intention, looking more stupid, then mission accomplished. 

So here you go, Watch how he claims to not "know" who Cornette is, then suddenly change his tune after he gets told to go educate himself, LOL.

I also love how he tries to spin first not knowing who Cornette is, into the usual and so predictable "Cornette hasn't been relevant in years" response. Which always shows they have no real argument so just go and hide behind what other dipshit "Marks" like to say. 

Yeah, that's the ticket. (rolls eyes)

Then he tries to get him self over at my expense and gets checkmated with "if I'm sad what does that make you for replying to it"? 

"Marks" should learn not to try and play checkers with chess masters. They'll lose every time. 

And before this latest ass clown or some other moron tries to claim that nobody goes to this site? Here's proof they're wrong so I take that argument away from them before they can even try to use it :) . Taken just 90 seconds ago the amount of people in the last hour, that have visited my site.

Proof always is, a mother fucker and I'll always be the mother fucker who has the proof. 

Someday "Marks" trying to brace me or people who assist with my site will get smarter, or at least become a challenge. 

Someday, just won't, be today. :) 

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