Saturday, July 31, 2021

Championship Wrestling from Memphis - Episode #23


JULY 31, 2021: Last week, it was total chaos when we left the air, as "Killer Bae" Heather Monroe not only made her debut in Memphis Wrestling - but she attacked and STOLE Nikki Lane's Women's Championship belt! Plus, all the drama from last week spills over to this week AND a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - so get ready for the FASTEST HOUR IN PRO WRESTLING!

Here's the card for this week's Memphis Wrestling... WOMEN'S DIVISION MATCH | QUEEN KATELYNN vs MISS BERONICA Go, fight, win - Miss Beronica makes her debut on Memphis Wrestling! SINGLES MATCH | UNCLE MIKEY vs DANNY B. GOOD 1 on 1 action... but with the Memphis Wrestling Tag Team Champions at ringside + on commentary. Danny B has his hands full! SINGLES MATCH | VAN VICIOUSS vs CHRIS LEXX "Delicious" Van Viciouss squares off against the King of POW! Both men need a victory - who wants it more? SINGLES MATCH | K TOOMER vs CARTER MATTHEWS It's the long-anticipated debut of the 387 pound KING of FATJITSU - K TOOMER! MAIN EVENT | "KILLER BAE" HEATHER MONROE is back with the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship. The Champion, Nikki Lane, will NOT like this. PLUS | Memphis Heritage Champion Alan Steel & Johnny Dotson have laid waste to both members of The Posse... but rumor has it that Lil Chris is BACK again this week for redemption. ALSO | We have a HUUUGE SURPRISE for the Memphis Wrestling fans & locker room. AND IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH | We will hear from The Murderhawk Monster Lance Archer AND GunShow Brett Michaels! REMEMBER | Anything can happen on the FASTEST HOUR IN PRO WRESTLING.

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