Monday, July 26, 2021

Can the "Marks" Get Any Dumber? WWELL.. They Sure Can, Have A Look


The I.Q. level of most of today's "Marks" is really at an all time low. I've shown time and time again by how easy I put em in "check" or put them in their place with no effort needed whatsoever that their level of intelligence is near rock bottom at best.

And just when I thought I've encountered the dumbest "Mark" walking the face of the earth? Someone like this fucking idiot comes along, and proves me wrong.

I mean I've come across some real DUMB ASSED "Marks" in my time, but I think this guy? Takes the cake and has the top spot for DUMB ASS. 

The fact he really thinks, he has a 'serious argument' here with me is so amusing. 

Too bad the only one who thinks he has a serious argument, is him. 

Needless to say, "Checking" him was another exercise in simplicity because of how easy it's been to put him in his place. As you're about to see.

Some day some day, sssoommeee day.. The "Marks" are gonna make it a challenge when they try and brace me... Some-day.

But some day, won't be today, that's for sure. 

And before this ass clown, or any other dipshit tries to say "Nobody lookls at your site". I'll go ahead and yank that argument from them before they can use it.

This shot was taken 90 seconds ago. Number of people who have visited my site in the last hour. 

Read it and weep. I always, get the last word. That's just the way, the world is. 

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