Friday, June 25, 2021

WWE Doesn't Require Writers To Have Any Wrestling Knowledge- Just Don't Say That Publicly Or You'll Be Fired, LMAO!


So, in the WWE a writer doesn't have to have ANY knowkledge of professional wrestling to write their shows?


You know how stupid that sounds, right? And now you know why their product sucks so bad, right?

Gee, why have ANY knowledge of the business you're gonna write shows or segments for? FFUUCC KK IITT, just wing it, your employer don't care if you have any knowledge of it or not. Why have any knowledge when they're just gonna pay you to write, 'whatever'?

Just don't come out and say it publicly because it does make the largest professional wrestling organization in the country, look fucking stupid. 

BUT, someone did go public and now the WWE really does look stupid. 

WWE has reportedly fired creative writer/producer Kenice Mobley.

Mobley, a stand-up comedian and podcast host, was just hired to work the RAW brand earlier this month. She made headlines this week for her recent appearance on the “Asian Not Asian” podcast, where she revealed that WWE did not require her to have any pro wrestling knowledge when they hired her. She received significant negative feedback from fans for some of her other comments on Twitter and the podcast, including not knowing if the WWE Champion was named “Bobby Ashley” or Bobby Lashley. You can click here for our original report on Mobley’s comments, along with some of her background information and her tweets on pro wrestling.

It's been said that Mobley’s comments received some attention within WWE. It was noted that Mobley was “under the gun” for speaking publicly about subjects that WWE did not want talked about. It's been mentioned before how WWE’s job listings for creative writers do not list a knowledge of pro wrestling as a requirement, so her comments didn’t come as a major surprise to some. 

But it sure made the company that hired her look like complete dumb asses.

There was a negative reaction to Mobley’s comments, and that Mobley is not the only WWE writer in this situation, as this is typical of many of the writers. WWE officials were reportedly embarrassed by this going public due to the feeling that it makes the company look “blindingly stupid” to the outside world.

Well, they made it obvious by not requiring their writers to have any wrestling knowledge, so who's fault is that? OOHH, that would be....Them.

You really can't make this stupid this up, but thanks to the WWE, stupid shit like this keeps coming out.

Keep up the good work there, WWE. Keep it up, LMAO! 

Mobley protected her tweets after her podcast interview started making the rounds this week. She has made her Instagram account private since late last night.

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