Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Freebirds vs. Butcher Vachon, Pete Doherty, Ron Shaw (MSG) Along With The Brisco's interview & match.( August 1984)


The Fabulous Freebirds (managed by David Wolff) vs. Butcher Vachon, Ron Shaw, and The Duke of Dorcester, Pete Doherty. 2 out of 3 falls. This match aired in August of 1984 on what was once WCW (GCW) after Vince McMahon bought the time-slot on WTBS that had long been the home to Georgia Championship Wrestling (and as World Championship Wrestling when its name changed in late 1982). This dark day in professional wrestling, July 14th, 1984, became known as Black Saturday. It was the first move in McMahon's desire to monopolize the wrestling industry, and control what programming and what wrestlers fans could see. After the match, Freddie Miller talks to the Brisco Brothers (who aided in the takeover) about the new line of wrestling. They then show a match of The Brisco's vs. Mike Starbuck and Pat Rose. WWF/WCW/GCW, August 1984.

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