Dave Scherer, Mike Johnson's partner at PWInsider emailed me a little after 9:30 this morning on the link I sent to him, about how Mike Johnson (PWInsider) and WrestlInc know they got a story wrong but don't have the balls to admit they got it wrong.
Take note I, and several others sent Johnson Links to the original story, along with the follow up I did where I called Johnson to provide proof that HIS Story was correct, and how Braun Strowman shooting Mike's story down was wrong.
Here's the proof that Strowman shot down Mike's story.
The link to the original story is here https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2021/06/pwinsider-wrestlinginc-wrestling.html
And the follow up where I called Johnson out to prove it, is here https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2021/06/pwinsider-knows-they-got-it-wrong-but.html
Needless to say, Johnson STILL hasn't provided proof in any way, shape or form.
Not only does THAT validate everything I wrote. The fact that Dave Scherer came at me and couldn't stay on the topic of what I wrote, further validates everything I wrote.
So here's the actual email convo that went back and forth between Dave and I. I was hoping that maybe maybe, JUST MAYBE he would try to defend Johnson's false story or attempt to defend PWInsider as a whole. But NOPE, he was too lazy to even attempt that. And tried to bring up something irrelevant from my past (which failed) AND, when I called him out to stay on the topic I emailed him about, he couldn't even do that, LOL!

In the end all he did was just make a complete jack ass out of himself. Then run away when I called him out about making false accusations about me. Which means, he knew he fucked up and had no way to walk back the false accusation, so what does he do? In a way, he ran like a bitch. Saying "See Ya LOSER" like he thought he was making himself 'look good' when he's actually running from the fact he got 'checked'. Which is so typical yet predictable when someone gets put in their place, especially from someone like me.
I showed the email conversation Scherer and I had to a few people and one of them said I should be pissed that he alleged something with me and a minor. Mad? Na, I'd rather post it in a story like this to show what a dumb ass Dave Scherer is. THAT has more effect than me getting angry with him.
Showing he had nothing and had to resort to making a false accusation, then running away after getting called out it is very amusing to me. Because I can simply say "Show me something that backs your claim up", and he'll simply come up with exuses. That's always been the "Dave Scherer M.O.", call him out to prove something he said that he knows is false? And suddenly he becomes an encyclopedia of excuses on why he can't back up what he says with proof.
I guess the lesson here is, don't ever have Dave Scherer take up for you or try to defend you. He's proven as you saw here, that he's just not very good at it.
What this also proves is that the two stories i wrote struck a nerve, The fact Johnson has avoided providing proof he was correct, and 'in a way' tried to have Scherer come at me and do his fighting for him, shows I was right all along.
Add to all this that Johnson, WrestlingInc and Dave Meltzer don't have the balls to admit they got it wrong (even though Strowman's tweet essentially proves they were wrong) just adds to the fact my two articles on this were correct right from the get go.
Thanks Dave Scherer, you sure showed a whole lot about yourself trying this tactic. False accusation then running away? Yeah, that sure did 'a whole lot' to help Mike Johnson and his false reporting, didn't it (smiles).
If you want to email Scherer and give him a link to this story here's where you can do it. pwinsider@gmail.com

I'm 'sure', he'd "love" to hear from you, LMAO!
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