Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Wrestling "Mark" Just STAYS, Being Stupid, THEN Proves Me Right With HIS OWN screenshot, LMAO! (Updated 6-26-21 1:30 am)

 Most wrestling "Marks" these days are on a whole new level of stupid. I've proven over and over again just how dumb they are, and they always go and use the SAME replies, every time that in the end has them burying themselves.

This latest example? Is no different. 

The screen shot you see above is this ass clown "Josiah" actually proving me RIGHT, when he actually thought he was gonna prove me wrong with that shot. This moron was so dumb he actually thought he had one 'good shot' on me when he in fact, proved everything I said all thru the convo to be correct.

Some people, are just stuck, on being stupid, I tell ya.

This started because I posted acouple stories I did, as you'll see here.   

Then here he comes, ol "Josiah' thinking he can get himself over but gets it wrong right from the get go (like most "Marks" do) 

I added acouple more truthful replies as you'll see here.

You'd think by now that a light bulb would've gone on in his head and he'd realize he fucked up.

You could've only hoped, he'd be that smart.

Nope, so he went ahead and made the screen shot you saw at the beginning of this, which I'll repost again here, thinking he 'one upped' me. 

What he did, was kick himself in the ass with that screenshot he made, put his foot in his mouth, pick whatever cliche' you want. But he fucked his whole argument up by proving I was right, with HIS OWN SCREEN SHOT!


Of 'course' he wasn't done making himself look stupid, not yet. He had to go for 'the old faithful' EVERY 'MARK' tries to go for when they see they're getting their ass kicked. They try the ol "nobody is reading your blog" come back. 

I of course sigh, and then shake my head because "Marks" are so typical and predictable with their replies. They always say the same shit, and the result is always me, putting their shit to shame with ease.

No exception here. 

Thankfully I think he's finally taken the advice I gave him and is now staying silent. Every time he replies he just helped me more but he was too stupid to see that/.

Maybe someone smarter than him finally pointed that out for him. 

But here's the shot that ended his story for good. Last hour how many people have come to view this site, and where they're from.

Proof always, will be a mother fucker, and I'll always be, the mother fucker who has the proof.

I keep saying over and over again, someday the "Marks" will smarten up. Someday, sssoommeedayyy.

Someday obviously, won't be today. :) 

Update.. 6-26-21

 What happens when the oversensitive "Mark" gets his ass handed to him, by others as well AFTER this story got out?

The little 'Mark" starts snitching to FB, like a little bitch.

If you can't handle getting verbally slapped then don't go bracing up on someone, especially when you know you're a snitch who can't take it.

But that's what these 'marks' do when they can't handle the fact they got out talked, out witted, and they buried themselves with their own words and screenshots, they have to run and snitch, like a bitch.

Pretty sad that today's "marks" are such insensitive little snitching bitches but.. That's what they've aspired to be. 

He snitched on someone else as you can see here.

 And when someone ELSE called "Josiah" out for snitching? He blocked everyone that replied to him (that he snitched on), IMAGINE, THAT!

It's really sad when you get your ass handed to you, snitch to FB crying about it and then after you get caught snitching? Run like a pussy and hide behind a block, blocking people who called you out for snitching.

"Marks" today are more fucking pathetic, than ever.

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