Monday, May 3, 2021

Someone At WWE Is So Stupid, They Sent A Trash Bag Full Of Stuff? To The WRONG WRESTLER, AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Yep, it's true, IITTT'S TRUE! Someone who works for WWE was so damn dumb, so fucking stupid.. That they sent Natalya's stuff, in a garbage bag.. TO? 

Chelsea Green's house, AAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

Yeah, I bet the dumb ass who did that is feeling pretty fucking stupid, right about now. 

I mean, seriously.. How can someone really fuck that up? Isn't pretty obvious that green wore different stuff than Natalya? DUH! Dumb ass. 

PPSSTT, if you're gonna send a trash bag full of stuff to a wrestler who got released, the least you can do, dipshit... Is mail the right stuff, TO, the right wrestler.. AAHAHAHAHAHA!

Here's the story on this.

Former WWE star Chelsea Green recently launched her “50 Shades of Green” podcast and on the debut episode she discussed the WWE trash bag debacle with Mickie James, which led to Mark Carrano getting fired from his Talent Relations job.

Green revealed how something similar happened to her when she was also released from WWE back on April 15. She noted how boyfriend Matt Cardona was upset over the box, and wanted her to go public with it, but she decided not to.

“Last week, I received a nice, big, FedEx box at my front door,” Green said. “I had got a call the week before, right after I was released and they asked me what my address is and said they have some things to deliver. I thought to myself, ‘That’s strange. I wonder what they could possibly be delivering.’ But when I saw the box, I thought, ‘Maybe I’m getting some leftover merch. Who knows? Are they sending me a present, a little parting gift?’ Silly, silly me. They were not sending me a parting gift.

“I brought that box straight into the kitchen and Matt and I opened it because we were curious. Inside of that box was a nice, fresh, plastic fuc*ing bag, full to the brim with sh*t. Just a bunch of sh*t. So, the box, as you have seen, if you haven’t seen, the legend, the one and only, Mickie James was released from WWE and posted a picture of this box on Twitter. We all got those boxes. Before I tell you the contents of my box and my garbage bag, I just want to make it clear that after talking to all of the other females, I believe that every single person who has been released that is a female has received this garbage bag.

“Gail Kim put it out there last week as well, that when she left WWE received the garbage bag. This is a trend. This is a long trend. I really don’t let things rub me the wrong way, so I laughed the garbage bag off. Was I a little annoyed? Yes, totally. My sh*t came in a garbage bag, but I let it go. Matt was pissed. Matt was very pissed. He wanted me to tweet it. He wanted me to talk about it. I just didn’t feel comfortable. I’m trying not to go the route of trash talking anyone or any company, especially one that paid for my mortgage. Especially one that I’ve wanted to be at for so long. Now, trash bag gate.”

Green continued and talked about how she realized that some of the items in the box belonged to WWE SmackDown Superstar Natalya.

“Upon further inspection of the trash bag, I start to realize that I’m not really sure what’s in this trash bag,” Green said. “I first pulled out some black boots, beautiful black boots, but not my black boots. I then pull out a second pair of black boots. Again, beautiful boots, but not my boots. Here we get to the third item. The third item was the most gorgeous, little leather shrug with studs and diamonds and flappy things and pink jewels and all sorts of things. If you knew women’s wrestling, you know that the person who wears black leather with pink is always the same person. That is always going to be Nattie.

“So, I knew right away that the contents of my box were actually Nattie’s box. I continued to pull a couple things out. A lot of it was Natties, but I did run into some questionable items. Some cute little skirts and cute little dresses that kind of looked like Lana’s or Liv’s. There was also a basketball. I don’t who the f*ck is playing basketball at WWE backstage, but someone’s getting their hoops in. So, the content of my box was, in fact, not mine, and many other females. I let them know that. He who shall not be named, because he who shall not be named was let go from WWE, he told me to drop the box off at someone’s house. Send the box on its way. I was shook because here’s the thing. The contents of this box is expensive. I’m not going to just drop it off at somebody’s else and hope it gets to Tampa.”

Congrats WWE, nice to know that for all your attempts at micro-managing everything. You can't even manage to send a trash bag to the right person. Fucking morons. 

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